Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Nothing in my mind, nothing but the blackness of night.
I am searching for something.
Something in plain sight, but it is lost.
Something magnificent, but undervalued.
Could it be...the miracle?

I drift off.
There is nothing now, nothing but the sweet singsong.
A sound so soft it can barely be heard.
So pure that it soothes my soul and brings me to a moment of sincere peace.
My mind fills with wonder, and I sway to the beauty of the song.
There is nothing but the sound of true purity.

When I hear the song fading, I am brought back.
I am bewildered at how it took me in.
It was a strong current that pulled me into a river of undying prosperity.
But the river had stopped flowing.
The miracle is lost again.

I cannot give up.

A sudden ray of light fills me with hope and shows me the way.
I know it will take me to the miracle.
Sweet sounds come again.
I can hear the miracle calling me again.
This time I will return it's call.
I feel alive.

My heart is springing with joy.
The music is growing.
I can feel myself approaching the magic that is singing so amazingly.
I leap through the nothingness, my eye spying for the source.
The song stops again, but I know I am not far from the treasure I have been searching for.

Emptiness is all I see.
Out of the darkness, there is light.
There is something in front of me. I want to be near it.
My heart controls my body, and I glide closer.
I soar through the air and wrap my arms around the miracle.

I can hear the song, but it is faint.
It still lives, but it's life is draining.
If all is to be saved, I must save him.
I hold him tighter and pray for my miracle.
I give all of my remaining strength to him.
I would hope that he survives, but I have already given him all the hope I had within me.
I search for every little thing I have for him.

He had to live.

He falls.
I hold onto him as tight as I can, as I think of the last thing I have to give.
With all of the nothing I had in me, I gave him all the love I held in my heart.
I am almost gone.
There is nothing once again.

Then out of the death, comes life.
Happiness reigns down as rejoice pours upon us.
He lives. I live.
His strength rebuilds and I smile at him with thanks.
He does the same.
Alive again, with my miracle cradled in my arms.
He looks at me and I see the love in his eyes.

We stand hand in hand and stroll down a shining path.
Through the air we spot three glowing pedestals and stare in awe.
He is unsure of what to chose and he looks to me for guidance.
I cannot help him this time. This is his choice and his alone.
I can sense he is lost and confused. I cannot stop myself from helping him.
Taking all the life left in my soul, I surrender completely everything to him.
This is the last time I can save him, for now I am no more.
I want to stay with him, but I can not go back now.
As I fade away into the night sky, I try to say goodbye, but I have not the strength to speak.
So I leave him without warning and feel dreadful sorrow that would burn if I could feel.
I silently wish I could give him one last embrace, but it is impossible now.
There is nothing left of me. I am gone, and he is alone again.
Nothingness, emptiness, in the depths of his heart.


Katie said...

i dont get it..

B.J. said...

Hmm I don't really get it too. Can you tell us what you are trying to say BR???

Saul said...

She is pouring every thought and emotion into this one being because she loves him. But even she cannot help him every step of the way. She can only steer him in the right direction, he has to make the choice himself.

B.J. said...

Why Thank You very much for telling me BR. Not lol I'm jk. But really thanks saul.

RachAEL said...

wow, way to be sarcastic young buffalo...haha ur soooo funny! haha yay more sarcasm!!

and that was very well-written BR!

did u kno ur name or blogger nickname is an element chemical symbol? lol



Josh said...

Though sadly, I can very well relate to's always painful to watch someone go the wrong way and not be able to help them - to feel utterly helpless. That is the point at which you must lay it all in God's hands and trust that He will guide them to where they need to be.

Proverbs 16:9 - In his heart man plans his course, but God determines his steps.

Proverbs 19:21 - Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.

God bless!!

B.J. said...

Josh quoted proverbs 16:6 and 19:21 and those verse's are so true! Like I want to go to the Air Force Academy and be a Fighter Pilot that is my plan but only God knows if that will happen or not.

B.J. said...

LOL Br wow that was really random Rachael. But cool.

Katie said...

hmm what josh said reminds me of the song wish you well by thousand foot krutch... i like that song you should check it out.

Josh said...

I'm a huge TFK fan and that song tends to make me rather sad, as it's so very true, as tells my story well.

The key is that even if you stop, life keeps moving, and the longer you stand around lamenting, depressed, or whatever, the longer it will take to catch up to where you should be.

One important life lesson is that bad stuff will happen. You've just got to learn to be so in tune with God that you take it all in stride and give Him praise, regardless of circumstances.

Proverbs 24:10 - If you fall to pieces in a crisis, there wasn't much to you in the first place.

Philippians 4:13 - Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it though anything in the One who makes me who I am. (From The Message translation)


B.J. said...

Hmm now that you say that katie it kinda does sound like " wish you well " Which I should say is an awesome song!!!!!!! And what you said about it is true too Josh.

Black Raspberry said...

Thank you, Saul, for explaining my motive for writing "Candouress". It is a poem to parallel Saul's "Nyx". In this poem I played as Fate from his piece, which is another absolute work of art. I never realized that Br stood for the element Bromine on the Periodic Table. I simply chose the name Black Raspberry because I thought it had a unique sound to it. I also like the name Voretta, which was my old user name on 'Blogger. For a long time, I wished it was my real name.

Josh, do you say you can relate to the song because of the girl you mention? I am sorry it is such a painful experience for you. You really do not deserve it. Your words are the truth. Let God take control of your life, and you will prosper. I am glad to hear you quoting Proverbs. Proverbs is perhaps one of the best books of the Bible. Thousand Foot Krutch is a great band. I think we can all agree we are fans. It is astonishing how much you felt in "Wish You Well". I greatly admire your wisdom, Josh. I savor how much you love and trust God.

Thank you all very much for your positive responses to my poem. My heart leaps whenever I hear you are pleased with my poetry.

B.J. said...

Ok so what do you think of BR now that you know what it means BR???

Black Raspberry said...

I still like the name Black Raspberry. I do not mind if the abbreviation is the symbol for the element bromine.

B.J. said...

Ok cool typing BR is way easier then typing Black Raspberry...

Black Raspberry said...

That is true. I am glad I have an interesting nickname, although not as interesting as your nicknames.

B.J. said...

Yea I'll admit ours are weird.... at least the way we got the is FYI Katie's nickname is turtle I gave it to her :DDD.

Kobay said...

dude KV!this was kindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaum.............deep........................yeup........very kewl though!XD yes u guys have weird nichnames........KV has teh kewlest nickname! i gave her that nichname!!

Black Raspberry said...

Thank you, Kobay. I am happy to hear you like my poem. I like their nicknames, and I like mine. I do not believe anyone has ever referred to me as K.V. except you, Kobay.

B.J. said...

Hmm what's K.V. stand for/mean??

Black Raspberry said...

The nickname "K.V." was given to me by Kobay because the "K" stands for my first name, and "V" stands for my old 'Blogger name. Voretta is a name I have thought beautiful for a quite a long time.

B.J. said...

Oh ok cool. Lemme guess if you have a daughter you might name her Voretta?? Just a guess but maybe a good one.

Lady Mew said...

wow! i think BJ likez BR!!! hehe! 888D

<3 for everywun!!!!!!! "^.^"

John said...

Well done, Kem. This free verse has a brilliant combination of emotion and art that leaves you baffled. This is the response to the other poem your friend wrote, correct? I'll have to read it as well. I'm really glad you're a poet, Kem. You have such a knack for poetry that it would be wrong to waist it on something less beautiful.

Kobay said...

HEKS YAH HE'S HERE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD ik isn't dis bomb Johnny boy!!! heavy r u goin on da frilly words? peeps might thind u have a obsession..................just fyi........