Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Nothing in my mind, nothing but the blackness of night.
I am searching for something.
Something in plain sight, but it is lost.
Something magnificent, but undervalued.
Could it be...the miracle?

I drift off.
There is nothing now, nothing but the sweet singsong.
A sound so soft it can barely be heard.
So pure that it soothes my soul and brings me to a moment of sincere peace.
My mind fills with wonder, and I sway to the beauty of the song.
There is nothing but the sound of true purity.

When I hear the song fading, I am brought back.
I am bewildered at how it took me in.
It was a strong current that pulled me into a river of undying prosperity.
But the river had stopped flowing.
The miracle is lost again.

I cannot give up.

A sudden ray of light fills me with hope and shows me the way.
I know it will take me to the miracle.
Sweet sounds come again.
I can hear the miracle calling me again.
This time I will return it's call.
I feel alive.

My heart is springing with joy.
The music is growing.
I can feel myself approaching the magic that is singing so amazingly.
I leap through the nothingness, my eye spying for the source.
The song stops again, but I know I am not far from the treasure I have been searching for.

Emptiness is all I see.
Out of the darkness, there is light.
There is something in front of me. I want to be near it.
My heart controls my body, and I glide closer.
I soar through the air and wrap my arms around the miracle.

I can hear the song, but it is faint.
It still lives, but it's life is draining.
If all is to be saved, I must save him.
I hold him tighter and pray for my miracle.
I give all of my remaining strength to him.
I would hope that he survives, but I have already given him all the hope I had within me.
I search for every little thing I have for him.

He had to live.

He falls.
I hold onto him as tight as I can, as I think of the last thing I have to give.
With all of the nothing I had in me, I gave him all the love I held in my heart.
I am almost gone.
There is nothing once again.

Then out of the death, comes life.
Happiness reigns down as rejoice pours upon us.
He lives. I live.
His strength rebuilds and I smile at him with thanks.
He does the same.
Alive again, with my miracle cradled in my arms.
He looks at me and I see the love in his eyes.

We stand hand in hand and stroll down a shining path.
Through the air we spot three glowing pedestals and stare in awe.
He is unsure of what to chose and he looks to me for guidance.
I cannot help him this time. This is his choice and his alone.
I can sense he is lost and confused. I cannot stop myself from helping him.
Taking all the life left in my soul, I surrender completely everything to him.
This is the last time I can save him, for now I am no more.
I want to stay with him, but I can not go back now.
As I fade away into the night sky, I try to say goodbye, but I have not the strength to speak.
So I leave him without warning and feel dreadful sorrow that would burn if I could feel.
I silently wish I could give him one last embrace, but it is impossible now.
There is nothing left of me. I am gone, and he is alone again.
Nothingness, emptiness, in the depths of his heart.